AI: "Apple Intelligence" - personal and private + ChatGPT 4o
(too old to reply)
Alan Browne
2024-06-10 18:44:43 UTC
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.

Integrated of course across Apple apps. (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).

Strong "action" oriented commands.

AI will be on device for most processes.

Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers. No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.

Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it. (Recent use has come up with
a lot of flaws). Also remembers the recent context in Siri as well as
your cross app context over time.

Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways. Grammar checking, tone, etc. Auto TL;DR
summary generator, etc. and so on.

Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.

Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration. (silly fun).

ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account. If you have a ChatGPT account,
then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...

(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).

Looking forward it. Need devices compatible with the latest OS' of course.

Ref: WWDC - 2024 - Keynote (YouTube).
"It would be a measureless disaster if Russian barbarism overlaid
the culture and independence of the ancient States of Europe."
Winston Churchill
Jolly Roger
2024-06-10 19:13:38 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.
Integrated of course across Apple apps. (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).
Strong "action" oriented commands.
AI will be on device for most processes.
Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers. No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.
Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it. (Recent use has come up with
a lot of flaws). Also remembers the recent context in Siri as well as
your cross app context over time.
Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways. Grammar checking, tone, etc. Auto TL;DR
summary generator, etc. and so on.
Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.
Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration. (silly fun).
Bring it! The way they describe the architecture and the demonstrations
all look very promising!
Post by Alan Browne
ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account. If you have a ChatGPT account,
then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...
(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).
I can do without the ChatGPT stuff. Much more interested in Apple's own
private curated AI capabilities.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Alan Browne
2024-06-10 20:18:47 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan Browne
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.
Integrated of course across Apple apps. (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).
Strong "action" oriented commands.
AI will be on device for most processes.
Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers. No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.
Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it. (Recent use has come up with
a lot of flaws). Also remembers the recent context in Siri as well as
your cross app context over time.
Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways. Grammar checking, tone, etc. Auto TL;DR
summary generator, etc. and so on.
Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.
Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration. (silly fun).
Bring it! The way they describe the architecture and the demonstrations
all look very promising!
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan Browne
ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account. If you have a ChatGPT account,
then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...
(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).
I can do without the ChatGPT stuff. Much more interested in Apple's own
private curated AI capabilities.
As I understand it - the "Apple side" is all personal/private
information relationships and the ChatGPT side is to bring in outside
information. If you think of it in terms of fusing the two, then things
get quite powerful.

I've been using ChatGPT 2 sporadically over the last couple years and it
is very good (as long as you check it). 4 / 4o should bring a hell of a
lot more - even w/o the paywall version.

I'm not ChatGPT shy or averse - the more tools (and entertainment) I get
the better.
"It would be a measureless disaster if Russian barbarism overlaid
the culture and independence of the ancient States of Europe."
Winston Churchill
Your Name
2024-06-10 20:55:23 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.
Integrated of course across Apple apps. (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).
Strong "action" oriented commands.
AI will be on device for most processes.
Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers. No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.
Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it. (Recent use has come up
with a lot of flaws). Also remembers the recent context in Siri as
well as your cross app context over time.
Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways. Grammar checking, tone, etc. Auto TL;DR
summary generator, etc. and so on.
Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.
Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration. (silly fun).
ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account. If you have a ChatGPT account,
then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...
(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).
Looking forward it. Need devices compatible with the latest OS' of course.
Ref: WWDC - 2024 - Keynote (YouTube).
And *nobody* even knows why or what they would want the useless crap
actually for ... the geek brigade just want it so big tech is happy to
add it to everything and charge you more for doing it. :-\

Yet more pointless gimmick "features" added while still not fixing all
the annoying bugs.
Alan Browne
2024-06-10 21:10:58 UTC
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.
Integrated of course across Apple apps.  (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).
Strong "action" oriented commands.
AI will be on device for most processes.
Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers.  No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.
Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it.  (Recent use has come up
with a lot of flaws).  Also remembers the recent context in Siri as
well as your cross app context over time.
Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways.  Grammar checking, tone, etc.  Auto TL;DR
summary generator, etc. and so on.
Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.
Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration.  (silly fun).
ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account.  If you have a ChatGPT account,
then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...
(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).
Looking forward it.  Need devices compatible with the latest OS' of
Ref: WWDC - 2024 - Keynote (YouTube).
And *nobody* even knows why or what they would want the useless crap
actually for ... the geek brigade just want it so big tech is happy to
add it to everything and charge you more for doing it.  :-\
Yet more pointless gimmick "features" added while still not fixing all
the annoying bugs.
I recently read the Ken Follett book, "The Armour of Light" and it
mentioned the Luddite uprising against industrialization.

You were first to come to mind!

I've been using ChatGPT for a couple years, it's very good. An example:
I wrote a long letter in French but found it too casual for the intended
audience. I had ChatGPT change it to be more serious in tone. It
employed French formality a little too strongly, so I asked it to be
more Québecois in tone (and still formal). It handled it beautifully.

Here's another nice example:
"Please compose a three paragraph essay comparing large language models
to the admonishment in "Dune" forbidding the making of machines in the
likeness of the human mind."

"Large language models, such as GPT-3, share an intriguing parallel with
the cautionary tale presented in Frank Herbert's "Dune" regarding the
prohibition against creating machines in the likeness of the human mind.
In "Dune," the Butlerian Jihad has left a lasting imprint on the
universe, warning against the dangers of relying too heavily on
artificial intelligence. Similarly, large language models have raised
concerns about their potential consequences. While not machines in the
traditional sense, these models, like GPT-3, possess an immense capacity
to understand and generate human-like text. The cautionary undertone in
"Dune" echoes in contemporary discussions about the ethical implications
and control over powerful language models, hinting at the potential
risks of unbridled reliance on advanced artificial intelligence.

Both the Butlerian Jihad in "Dune" and the debates surrounding large
language models grapple with the idea of preserving human agency and
preventing the undue concentration of power. In Herbert's universe, the
ban on thinking machines aims to safeguard human independence and
prevent the creation of entities that might surpass or subjugate
humanity. In a similar vein, concerns surrounding large language models
center on the concentration of knowledge, influence, and decision-making
capabilities within the hands of a few organizations or individuals. The
comparison prompts reflection on the delicate balance between
technological progress and the need to ensure that such advancements
align with human values and autonomy.

Despite the cautionary elements, large language models like GPT-3 also
offer significant potential for positive impact. They have the capacity
to enhance communication, generate creative content, and aid in various
tasks. However, the key lies in developing responsible frameworks and
ethical guidelines to govern their use. Just as the universe in "Dune"
navigates the aftermath of the Butlerian Jihad, our society must grapple
with the challenges posed by advanced language models and work towards
harnessing their potential while ensuring safeguards against unintended
consequences. Ultimately, the comparison invites reflection on the
responsibility that comes with wielding powerful technologies and the
imperative to shape their trajectory in harmony with human values."

Which ain't bad. College profs have to use software to detect when
their students are handing (e-mailing in) assignments to be sure they're
not AI generated...
"It would be a measureless disaster if Russian barbarism overlaid
the culture and independence of the ancient States of Europe."
Winston Churchill
Your Name
2024-06-11 00:35:29 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.
Integrated of course across Apple apps.  (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).
Strong "action" oriented commands.
AI will be on device for most processes.
Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers.  No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.
Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it.  (Recent use has come up
with a lot of flaws).  Also remembers the recent context in Siri as
well as your cross app context over time.
Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways.  Grammar checking, tone, etc.  Auto TL;DR
summary generator, etc. and so on.
Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.
Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration.  (silly fun).
ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account.  If you have a ChatGPT account,
then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...
(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).
Looking forward it.  Need devices compatible with the latest OS' of course.
Ref: WWDC - 2024 - Keynote (YouTube).
And *nobody* even knows why or what they would want the useless crap
actually for ... the geek brigade just want it so big tech is happy to
add it to everything and charge you more for doing it.  :-\
Yet more pointless gimmick "features" added while still not fixing all
the annoying bugs.
I recently read the Ken Follett book, "The Armour of Light" and it
mentioned the Luddite uprising against industrialization.
You were first to come to mind!
"Nobody" was an intended exaggeration. The point being that 95%+ of
people do not know nor care what AI is, and they will never knowingly
use it nor want to use it.

Apple needs to concentrate on the usability and fixing the existing
annoying bugs (some of which have been there since OS X first created!)
rather than continually adding gimmicks that only a tiny niche number
of users will ever know about or use. :-\
Alan Browne
2024-06-11 12:09:40 UTC
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.
Integrated of course across Apple apps.  (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).
Strong "action" oriented commands.
AI will be on device for most processes.
Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers.  No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.
Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it.  (Recent use has come up
with a lot of flaws).  Also remembers the recent context in Siri as
well as your cross app context over time.
Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways.  Grammar checking, tone, etc.  Auto
TL;DR summary generator, etc. and so on.
Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.
Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration.  (silly fun).
ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account.  If you have a ChatGPT
account, then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...
(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).
Looking forward it.  Need devices compatible with the latest OS' of course.
Ref: WWDC - 2024 - Keynote (YouTube).
And *nobody* even knows why or what they would want the useless crap
actually for ... the geek brigade just want it so big tech is happy
to add it to everything and charge you more for doing it.  :-\
Yet more pointless gimmick "features" added while still not fixing
all the annoying bugs.
I recently read the Ken Follett book, "The Armour of Light" and it
mentioned the Luddite uprising against industrialization.
You were first to come to mind!
"Nobody" was an intended exaggeration. The point being that 95%+ of
people do not know nor care what AI is, and they will never knowingly
use it nor want to use it.
99.9% of people will be using it without really "knowing" it. It will
be deeply embedded into the user experience.

Just Siri remaining in context for follow up queries or instructions
will be a huge leap. (Goldfish memory days will end...)
Post by Your Name
Apple needs to concentrate on the usability and fixing the existing
annoying bugs (some of which have been there since OS X first created!)
rather than continually adding gimmicks that only a tiny niche number of
users will ever know about or use.  :-\
Agree Apple need to fix things - indeed stop breaking things that worked
fine but they tend to dumb down or make needlessly obfuscated (Settings
in Mac OS).

But adding features is where they have to go to keep relevant and
abreast of the competition if not passing it.
"It would be a measureless disaster if Russian barbarism overlaid
the culture and independence of the ancient States of Europe."
Winston Churchill
Your Name
2024-06-11 20:33:25 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
Apple announce their AI as "Apple Intelligence" with the emphasis on
_personal_ and _private_.
Integrated of course across Apple apps.  (... and 3rd party via App
Intents API).
Strong "action" oriented commands.
AI will be on device for most processes.
Private Cloud Compute for loads that can't be done on device - using
Apple Silicon based servers.  No storage of your data.
Independent 3rd party source code verification.
Siri to get AI - and boy does she need it.  (Recent use has come up
with a lot of flaws).  Also remembers the recent context in Siri as
well as your cross app context over time.
Writing tools for various apps to rewrite messages (such as a mail
message) in different ways.  Grammar checking, tone, etc.  Auto TL;DR
summary generator, etc. and so on.
Reading tools to summarize incoming e-mails with relevant content.
Emoji generator (text what you want, it gens an "emoji" like
illustration.  (silly fun).
ChatGPT 4o integration w/o an account.  If you have a ChatGPT account,
then "paywall" features will be accessible as well...
(As soon as the Keynote mentioned ChatGPT - Apple stock shot up).
Looking forward it.  Need devices compatible with the latest OS' of course.
Ref: WWDC - 2024 - Keynote (YouTube).
And *nobody* even knows why or what they would want the useless crap
actually for ... the geek brigade just want it so big tech is happy to
add it to everything and charge you more for doing it.  :-\
Yet more pointless gimmick "features" added while still not fixing all
the annoying bugs.
I recently read the Ken Follett book, "The Armour of Light" and it
mentioned the Luddite uprising against industrialization.
You were first to come to mind!
"Nobody" was an intended exaggeration. The point being that 95%+ of
people do not know nor care what AI is, and they will never knowingly
use it nor want to use it.
99.9% of people will be using it without really "knowing" it. It will
be deeply embedded into the user experience.
Just Siri remaining in context for follow up queries or instructions
will be a huge leap. (Goldfish memory days will end...)
Post by Your Name
Apple needs to concentrate on the usability and fixing the existing
annoying bugs (some of which have been there since OS X first created!)
rather than continually adding gimmicks that only a tiny niche number
of users will ever know about or use.  :-\
Agree Apple need to fix things - indeed stop breaking things that
worked fine but they tend to dumb down or make needlessly obfuscated
(Settings in Mac OS).
But adding features is where they have to go to keep relevant and
abreast of the competition if not passing it.
AI is not a "feature". It's just another useless bandwagon-jumping
gimmick to sell yet another new phone to stupid people. Thankfully the
silliness can (reportedly) be turned off ... yet something else I need
to include on the growing "turn off" list for on every device I set up
for people. :-(
Alan Browne
2024-06-11 21:42:25 UTC
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
But adding features is where they have to go to keep relevant and
abreast of the competition if not passing it.
AI is not a "feature". It's just another useless bandwagon-jumping
gimmick to sell yet another new phone to stupid people. Thankfully the
Given my experience with it (ChatGPT), and given the failings of
"helpful" features such as Siri, it's plain you're complaining w/o
knowing what it's all about and what it can and cannot do.
Post by Your Name
silliness can (reportedly) be turned off ... yet something else I need
to include on the growing "turn off" list for  on every device I set up
for people.  :-(
When you setup for "people" you should let them decide what they want -
not impose your desires and prejudices upon them.
"It would be a measureless disaster if Russian barbarism overlaid
the culture and independence of the ancient States of Europe."
Winston Churchill
Your Name
2024-06-11 22:10:23 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
But adding features is where they have to go to keep relevant and
abreast of the competition if not passing it.
AI is not a "feature". It's just another useless bandwagon-jumping
gimmick to sell yet another new phone to stupid people. Thankfully the
Given my experience with it (ChatGPT), and given the failings of
"helpful" features such as Siri, it's plain you're complaining w/o
knowing what it's all about and what it can and cannot do.
The point was that 95% of users don't care what it can and cannot do,
even if they understood it.

"Artificial intelligence" (an oxymoron) is mainly for those who don't
have any real intelligence and/or are too lazy to do things themselves.
Same with "smart" devices, which are mostly just incredibly stupid.
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
silliness can (reportedly) be turned off ... yet something else I need
to include on the growing "turn off" list for on every device I set up
for people.  :-(
When you setup for "people" you should let them decide what they want -
not impose your desires and prejudices upon them.
The people I set up devices for are tech novices who just want to use
the devices for simple things (like 95% of users do). The fewer
complications and pointless "features" there are, the better it is for
them ... and, yes, for me as well.

Time Machine gets turned off, touch gestures on the mouse (other than
scrolling up / down) get turned off, as did the old "squeeze me"
button, etc. and so now will this useless AI nonsense.

If it's something they specifically want or actually need, then it can
get turned back on. That is what they pay me to know as their tech
expert. The reality is that none of the things I turn off has ever
actually needed to be turned on again ... because they *are* just
marketing gimmicks that most normal people simply do not need nor want.
2024-06-11 23:37:16 UTC
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
Post by Alan Browne
But adding features is where they have to go to keep relevant and
abreast of the competition if not passing it.
AI is not a "feature". It's just another useless bandwagon-jumping
gimmick to sell yet another new phone to stupid people. Thankfully the
Given my experience with it (ChatGPT), and given the failings of
"helpful" features such as Siri, it's plain you're complaining w/o
knowing what it's all about and what it can and cannot do.
The point was that 95% of users don't care what it can and cannot do,
even if they understood it.
"Artificial intelligence" (an oxymoron) is mainly for those who don't
have any real intelligence and/or are too lazy to do things themselves.
Same with "smart" devices, which are mostly just incredibly stupid.
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Your Name
silliness can (reportedly) be turned off ... yet something else I
need to include on the growing "turn off" list for on every device I
set up for people.  :-(
When you setup for "people" you should let them decide what they want
- not impose your desires and prejudices upon them.
The people I set up devices for are tech novices who just want to use
the devices for simple things (like 95% of users do). The fewer
complications and pointless "features" there are, the better it is for
them ... and, yes, for me as well.
Time Machine gets turned off, touch gestures on the mouse (other than
scrolling up / down) get turned off, as did the old "squeeze me" button,
etc. and so now will this useless AI nonsense.
If it's something they specifically want or actually need, then it can
get turned back on. That is what they pay me to know as their tech
expert. The reality is that none of the things I turn off has ever
actually needed to be turned on again ... because they *are* just
marketing gimmicks that most normal people simply do not need nor want.

So no one ever learns anything new.

Got it.
