Justice Department files antitrust suit against Apple
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Sten deJoode
2024-03-26 05:20:53 UTC
The oddest thing is you actually believe what you just wrote.
Legally, it's exactly what it means.
So is any crime, such as 1st-degree murder, if they don't have enough
evidence to convict you of what you did, so they allow you plead to a
lesser crime in a plea bargaining deal (such as 2nd-degree murder).
Jolly Roger
2024-03-26 14:46:42 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
The oddest thing is you actually believe what you just wrote.
Legally, it's exactly what it means.
So is any crime, such as 1st-degree murder, if they don't have enough
evidence to convict you of what you did, so they allow you plead to a
lesser crime in a plea bargaining deal (such as 2nd-degree murder).
Wrong again. You don't have any idea what you are talking about, as

You admit guilt in criminal pleadings.

Apple admitted no wrongdoing, and both sides settled in these cases.
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Sten deJoode
2024-03-26 15:21:36 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Apple admitted no wrongdoing, and both sides settled in these cases.
Apple did the similarly in the French criminal case, where the governments
are simply trying to make Apple stop breaking the law constantly, JR.

Apple makes ungodly sums of money by breaking laws most others follow.

Which is why Apple has been proven many times to be one of the most
unethical companies on the planet (along with Tobacco, Oil & Pharma).
2024-03-26 18:16:33 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
Post by Jolly Roger
Apple admitted no wrongdoing, and both sides settled in these cases.
Apple did the similarly in the French criminal case, where the governments
are simply trying to make Apple stop breaking the law constantly, JR.
Sorry, but that is a falsehood you know is false, and therefore a lie.