macOS Sonoma 14.3 update went well, except...
(too old to reply)
Chris Schram
2024-01-23 09:53:13 UTC
...it deleted ALL 134 of the Aerial screensaver video files. Yes, it was
set to Shuffle All, so it should have left them alone. Fortunately I
have those files backed up in a few places.

They're promising I'll get fiber "real soon now," but for now I'm
limping by on DSL over early 1950s copper wire. It took all day to
download the macOS update, and I'm really glad I did not have to go back
and download the videos too.

I think I like the freebie Aerial.saver better. I really like the clock
and captions overlay feature. It has been going through a bunch of
changes recently, and I'd prefer to wait until it settles.down.
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Chris Schram
2024-01-23 10:00:20 UTC
Post by Chris Schram
...it deleted ALL 134 of the Aerial screensaver video files. Yes, it was
set to Shuffle All, so it should have left them alone. Fortunately I
have those files backed up in a few places.
They're promising I'll get fiber "real soon now," but for now I'm
limping by on DSL over early 1950s copper wire. It took all day to
download the macOS update, and I'm really glad I did not have to go back
and download the videos too.
I think I like the freebie Aerial.saver better. I really like the clock
and captions overlay feature. It has been going through a bunch of
changes recently, and I'd prefer to wait until it settles.down.
Quick followup to myself: After I restored all the screensaver videos,
after a short time it went and deleted them again. I'm switching back to
Aerial.saver right now!
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Alan Browne
2024-01-23 13:45:48 UTC
Post by Chris Schram
...it deleted ALL 134 of the Aerial screensaver video files. Yes, it was
set to Shuffle All, so it should have left them alone. Fortunately I
have those files backed up in a few places.
Are these Apple original files?
Post by Chris Schram
They're promising I'll get fiber "real soon now," but for now I'm
limping by on DSL over early 1950s copper wire. It took all day to
download the macOS update, and I'm really glad I did not have to go back
and download the videos too.
There's a certain nostalgia for things that take a long time to DL -
sort of like waiting for a reply to a letter sent by mail.

Per headers your UTC is 0, potentially putting you in the UK - is that so?

IAC where do you live?
Post by Chris Schram
I think I like the freebie Aerial.saver better. I really like the clock
and captions overlay feature. It has been going through a bunch of
changes recently, and I'd prefer to wait until it settles.down.
I personally don't care much about the saver, it's on when I'm not here
and when I get back the screen is usually off.
“Markets can remain irrational longer than your can remain solvent.”
- John Maynard Keynes.
Bud Frede
2024-01-26 12:57:48 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Chris Schram
...it deleted ALL 134 of the Aerial screensaver video files. Yes, it was
set to Shuffle All, so it should have left them alone. Fortunately I
have those files backed up in a few places.
Are these Apple original files?
Post by Chris Schram
They're promising I'll get fiber "real soon now," but for now I'm
limping by on DSL over early 1950s copper wire. It took all day to
download the macOS update, and I'm really glad I did not have to go back
and download the videos too.
There's a certain nostalgia for things that take a long time to DL -
sort of like waiting for a reply to a letter sent by mail.
It would be nostalgic to use dial-up again, or even the very slow DSL I
originally had when I first switched from dial-up. I also feel nostalgic
when I hear a floppy drive.

I have an Amiga emulator that plays floppy drive noises while it's
loading things. It does take me back a number of years. :-)

I also had a big hit of nostalgia the other day when watching a video
done by someone installing an old version of Solaris (2.5 or 2.6
IIRC). At one point he showed the Open Look desktop and then he showed
CDE with all the Motif widgets on the windows.

I guess I'm ok with the flat look of macOS now after getting used to
it, but I still think I'd like a more sculptured or maybe skeuomorphic
design style again.

I'd kind of like to see macOS with Motif-like borders on the
windows. :-)

The look of old Solaris, or fvwm when I first started using Linux and
FreeBSD, or Netscape's use of Motif for Navigator, CDE, etc. are
representative of very fun and interesting times for me. Unix and the
internet were brand new for me then.

I really like the look of NeXTSTEP too, and wish I could use that
again. Yes, I did use OPENSTEP for Intel for a while, so maybe it would
be possible to get it running in a VM if I could find the install media.
That's on my backburner list of things to do along with getting OS/2
running in a VM, putting RiscOS on an RPi and learning more about BBC
Basic, etc.

Ok, time to stop wandering in the past and start work. :-) My employer
is sending me a new MBP and a new iPhone today, so I get to play with
new toys.
Alan Browne
2024-01-26 15:15:34 UTC
Post by Bud Frede
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Chris Schram
...it deleted ALL 134 of the Aerial screensaver video files. Yes, it was
set to Shuffle All, so it should have left them alone. Fortunately I
have those files backed up in a few places.
Are these Apple original files?
Post by Chris Schram
They're promising I'll get fiber "real soon now," but for now I'm
limping by on DSL over early 1950s copper wire. It took all day to
download the macOS update, and I'm really glad I did not have to go back
and download the videos too.
There's a certain nostalgia for things that take a long time to DL -
sort of like waiting for a reply to a letter sent by mail.
Post by Bud Frede
I guess I'm ok with the flat look of macOS now after getting used to
it, but I still think I'd like a more sculptured or maybe skeuomorphic
design style again.
I'm not pleased with MacOS (Sonoma) flat look, nor its poorly thought
out Systems Settings layout; but skeumorphic was always bad.
Post by Bud Frede
I really like the look of NeXTSTEP too, and wish I could use that
again. Yes, I did use OPENSTEP for Intel for a while, so maybe it would
be possible to get it running in a VM if I could find the install media.
That's on my backburner list of things to do along with getting OS/2
running in a VM, putting RiscOS on an RPi and learning more about BBC
Basic, etc.
Personally, unless I need an older OS due to some application need
(accounting comes to mind), I don't care about older OS'. Good riddance.

I run a Pi4 with Ubuntu or without an OS at all (runtime library for my
Post by Bud Frede
Ok, time to stop wandering in the past and start work. :-) My employer
is sending me a new MBP and a new iPhone today, so I get to play with
new toys.
Nice - but that fun wears off quick now days.
“Markets can remain irrational longer than your can remain solvent.”
- John Maynard Keynes.