GPS loggers for iPhone.
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Sten deJoode
2024-02-23 01:08:42 UTC
He's losing touch with reality.
It's intereswting that you lied about Apple's lack of capability,
and then when proven wrong, you can only make an ad hominem attack.

Why do you hate all facts about Apple products, Jolly Roger?

Specifically, why do you hate the truth about Apple so much that you resort
to ad hominem attacks whenever someone merely informs you of facts?

FACT: When you run the search, you check any number of 30 boxes.

The first three of those search filters are the following:
1. No ads (or No ads/removable ads)
2. Free
3. No in-app purchases

The rest are in the sig although the search takes regular expressions so
there are literally almost an infinite amount of detail to search for.

Here is my own screenshot, which you'll recognize as fact.
<Loading Image...>
1. No ads (or No ads/removable ads)
2. Free
3. No in-app purchases
4. User rating (where you can set the limit range)
5. Number of ratings (where you can set the limit range)

If you know you're going to purchase an app, you can check if it's on sale
6. On sale

Or if you're willing to accept in-app purchases, you can check that box
7. Has in-app purchases

And if you are using Play Pass, you can check if that is applicable too
8. Play Pass
9. Play Store installable

There are a few more basic but rather useful switches such as
10. Default exclusions
11. Number of downloads (where you can set the limit range)
12. Recent downloads/month (where you can set the limit range)
13. Price range (where you can set the limit range)
l4. In-app price range (where you can set the limit range)
15. Date updated (where you can set the limit range)
16. Date released (where you can set the limit range)
17. Content rating (where you can set the limit range)
18. Download size (where you can set the limit range)
19. Required Android (where you can set the limit range)
20. Target API (where you can set the limit range)
21. Extended filter ranges (where you can set the limit range)

From those filters, you can then select your sort criteria such as
22. Sort by Relevance
23. Average user rating
24. Number of ratings
25. Number of downloads
26. Recent downloads/month
27. Downloads/month increase %
28. Date released
29. Date updated
30. Download size

There are hundreds more (due to the use of regular expressions),
and due to the ability to spoof your API and to spoof your hardware,
and to spoof your gps location for the regionally restricted apps,
but one question to ask the OP is why not use an equivalent search
for the iOS app that the OP is looking to install?

How many of just those basic 30 things does the iOS sort allow you?
Jolly Roger
2024-02-23 03:49:02 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
He's losing touch with reality.
you lied about Apple's lack of capability
Projection from a loser troll.
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I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Sten deJoode
2024-02-23 04:14:19 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Projection from a loser troll.
You attack the messenger because you _hate_ the iPhone can't do thousands
of useful things that every other platform (but iOS) easily does, JR.

FACT: The brain-dead iPhone can't run a decent app search with any power.

FACT: The dumb-terminal iPhone can't extract an app off the device
(specifically when it is no longer on the Apple App Store).
Jolly Roger
2024-02-23 06:13:18 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
Post by Jolly Roger
Projection from a loser troll.
You attack
You attack people here because you are jealous of them.
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I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Sten deJoode
2024-02-23 18:47:29 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
You attack people here because you are jealous of them.
Heh heh heh...

Luckily, I don't take anything personally on Usenet, and even more
importantly, I _study_ the strangeness that you and nospam are.

For nospam, the way I understand him is I think of him being paid by Apple
to refute everything possible that people say that is the truth about it.

For you... I think of you differently, as I put you in the same category of
Alan Baker, Snit and Alan Browne where you actually believe what you say.

Alan Browne actually _believes_ there is no such thing as a walled garden.
Snit actually _believes_ the iPhone graphs Wi-Fi signal strength over time.
You, Jolly Roger, _believe_ you can extract old apps off the phone.

None of you have the intelligence to comprehend the truth.
Nor do any of you have the education you need to comprehend it.

They go together, unfortunately for you.
a. No education
b. Lack of intelligence

But there's a third piece that makes you nut jobs what you are.
c. A fanatical adherence to the herd mentality

I have assessed the reason you hate all the truths about Apple is because
you bought the iPhone only because of a herd mentality advertised by Apple.
HINT: Look at an Apple "yellow" ad and you see Apple advertises the herd
mentality - which, combined with lack of intelligence & education,
is why you refute every fact that has ever been stated about Apple.
Jolly Roger
2024-02-23 19:29:57 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
Post by Jolly Roger
You attack people here because you are jealous of them.
Heh heh heh...
Predictable response.
Post by Sten deJoode
Luckily, I don't take anything personally on Usenet
Yes, that must be why you like to claim people have supposedly
threatened to kill you right here in this newsgroup. 🤡
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2024-02-24 01:18:50 UTC
Post by Sten deJoode
Post by Jolly Roger
You attack people here because you are jealous of them.
Heh heh heh...
Luckily, I don't take anything personally on Usenet, and even more
importantly, I _study_ the strangeness that you and nospam are.
For nospam, the way I understand him is I think of him being paid by Apple
to refute everything possible that people say that is the truth about it.
For you... I think of you differently, as I put you in the same category of
Alan Baker, Snit and Alan Browne where you actually believe what you say.
Alan Browne actually _believes_ there is no such thing as a walled garden.
Snit actually _believes_ the iPhone graphs Wi-Fi signal strength over time.
You, Jolly Roger, _believe_ you can extract old apps off the phone.
None of you have the intelligence to comprehend the truth.
Nor do any of you have the education you need to comprehend it.
They go together, unfortunately for you.
a. No education
b. Lack of intelligence
But there's a third piece that makes you nut jobs what you are.
c. A fanatical adherence to the herd mentality
I have assessed the reason you hate all the truths about Apple is because
you bought the iPhone only because of a herd mentality advertised by Apple.
Oh look, dirtbag Arlen is jerking off with another sock puppet again. Still
to the left of the ridiculously fabled Dunning-Kruger curve as ever.
Jolly Roger
2024-02-24 02:20:48 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Sten deJoode
Post by Jolly Roger
You attack people here because you are jealous of them.
Heh heh heh...
You, Jolly Roger, _believe_ you can extract old apps off the phone.
Oh look, dirtbag Arlen is jerking off with another sock puppet again.
Still to the left of the ridiculously fabled Dunning-Kruger curve as
And as always, he flat-out lies. I have never claimed you can "extract
old apps off the phone".

What I have said is that I have archives of every version of every app
installed on my Apple devices going back to 2008. And that's 100% true.
So I can easily install any app I have in my archive that has since been
pulled from the App Store on my Apple devices.

Arlen lies and mischaracterizes what others say because he doesn't argue
in good faith. He's an insincere clown.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.
